Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to Put Doll to Bed

Assume you locate doll by sound, not clothes mess or books, TV screaming, pillow fall. Find vicinity by cries of play, like fire engines chug or mooch, "I think I can," a thousand times, but please remain calm. Do not grab. There is trouble in that place.
When doll sheds shoes, which is not too hard, put on back. Hands, feet will move. Eye contact doll, they love to taunt that way. Smile but do not coo, that will set doll off.

Locate shoe, socks under mess. Voice doll's name: "Doll Dolly Doll!" Tell not to count to twenty. Do not expect much by ten. Doll will squirm. Do not count fast. By ten, one sock appears on foot 'mid squawks of wrong. Thrown by the count tell doll repeat, but sneak other as doll boasts.

At thirteen doll is winding down, put one shoe on so doll can run, even talk, the other may come late. Ready doll transport. Dolls get tired, fall asleep. If more than one you have to carry (which we hope you have maybe three). Unconscious, dolls will rest. Give nice hug and tell them bye. That is what dolls love.

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